Real estate market analysis : trends, methods and information sources /
Deborah L. Brett
- Third edition
- viii, 233 pages : Color illustrations, color maps ; 26 cm
Includes appendixes of glossary, webliography and index (pages 211 - 233)
Content : Understanding real estate market analysis Basic approach to real estate market studies Market conditions: employment, demographics, demand, and supply Housing Retail space Office space Industrial and warehouse space Hotels and lodging Mixed-use development
Summary: The industry-standard introductory guide on analyzing real estate markets, this edition includes comprehensive updates on previous editions while providing a practical "how-to" for evaluating several property types. In addition to highlighting development trends and explaining recognized research and analysis methods, this third edition provides an updated and expanded list of information sources, both national and local, for a wide range of property types. -- Adapted from back cover
This book is intended for real estate planning, architecture and business students. Author's preface page v, paragraph 8.