Huber-Greub, Barbara.

Kokospalmenmenschen : boden und alltag und ihre bedeutung im selbstverstandnis der Abelam von Kimangwa (East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea) / Barbara Huber-Greub. - Basel : Ethnologisches Seminar der Universitat, c1988. - xvi, 356 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Basler beitrage zur ethnologie ; bd. 27. .

English summaries, pp. 339-352. ; English subtitle from the summary : "Land and everyday life and their significance as seen by the Abelam of the village of Kimbangwa (East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea).

Includes bibliography.



Abelam (Papua new Guinea People)--Social life and customs.
Sepik (Papua New Guinea people)--Social life and customs.

East Sepik Province (P.N.G.)--Social life and customs.