Arab and Middle East tables of feed composition nutritional data for Algeria prepared by L.C. Kearl ... [et al.] - al-Tab'ah l.] - Logan, Utah Damascus, Syria International Feedstuffs Institute, Dept. of Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University League of Arab States, Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands, Dept. of Animal Science 1979 - x, 554, x p. 29 cm. - Research report - Utah Agricultural Experiment Station 30 . - Utah. Agricultural Experiment Station, Logan Research report 30 .

Added t.p.: al-Qimah al-ghidhaiyah li-mawadd al-'alaf wa-al-nabatat al-ra'awiyah fi al-duwal al-'Arabiyah wa-al-Sharq al-Awsat English or Arabic Includes glossaries of technical terms in English, Arabic, and Turkish

Feeds--Composition--Tables--Arab countries
Feeds--Composition--Tables--Near East

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