Fundamentals of statistics: for B. Com. (Pass and Honours); B.A. (Economics Honours); C.A.(Foundation); C.W.A (Intermediate); M.A. (Economics); M.Com.; M.B.A. and other management courses/
Gupta, S.C.
Fundamentals of statistics: for B. Com. (Pass and Honours); B.A. (Economics Honours); C.A.(Foundation); C.W.A (Intermediate); M.A. (Economics); M.Com.; M.B.A. and other management courses/ S.C. Gupta; edited by Indra Gupta. - 6th rev. & enl. ed. - Mumbai, India: Himalaya Pub., c2004. - (various paginations) : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes index.
Mathematical statistics.
Distribution (Probability theory).
519.5 G977
Fundamentals of statistics: for B. Com. (Pass and Honours); B.A. (Economics Honours); C.A.(Foundation); C.W.A (Intermediate); M.A. (Economics); M.Com.; M.B.A. and other management courses/ S.C. Gupta; edited by Indra Gupta. - 6th rev. & enl. ed. - Mumbai, India: Himalaya Pub., c2004. - (various paginations) : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes index.
Mathematical statistics.
Distribution (Probability theory).
519.5 G977