Status and trends of research in hydrology 1965-74.= Bilan et tendances de la recherche en hydrologie 1965-74. : a contribution to the International Hydrological Decade. Une contribution �a la D�ecennie hydrologique internationale.
Status and trends of research in hydrology 1965-74.= Bilan et tendances de la recherche en hydrologie 1965-74. : a contribution to the International Hydrological Decade. Une contribution �a la D�ecennie hydrologique internationale.
- Paris : Unesco, 1972.
- 148 p.
- Studies and reports in hydrology ; 10 .
English or French.
International Hydrological Decade, 1965-1974.
English or French.
International Hydrological Decade, 1965-1974.