Account for your own success : everything you need to manage your own business and personal finances /
Meyer, Dan.
Account for your own success : everything you need to manage your own business and personal finances / by Dan Meyer. - Charlotte, N.C. : Management Communications Systems, c1993. - 175 p. : ill.
"Ordering information: MCI, Inc., PO Box 4884, Alexandria, Virginia"--T.p. verso.
0932150047 : $16.50
Finance, Personal.
Business enterprises--Finance.
Account for your own success : everything you need to manage your own business and personal finances / by Dan Meyer. - Charlotte, N.C. : Management Communications Systems, c1993. - 175 p. : ill.
"Ordering information: MCI, Inc., PO Box 4884, Alexandria, Virginia"--T.p. verso.
0932150047 : $16.50
Finance, Personal.
Business enterprises--Finance.