Forest mensuration /
Anuchin, N. P.
Forest mensuration / N. P. Anuchin. Translated from Russian [by N. Kaner. Edited by C. Porter] - Jerusalem : [Published for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation, Washington, by] Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1970. - iv, 454 p. : ill.
Translation of Lesnallirla taksalltrlsillirla.
Forests and forestry--Mensuration.
Forest mensuration / N. P. Anuchin. Translated from Russian [by N. Kaner. Edited by C. Porter] - Jerusalem : [Published for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation, Washington, by] Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1970. - iv, 454 p. : ill.
Translation of Lesnallirla taksalltrlsillirla.
Forests and forestry--Mensuration.