Recovery of zinc and sulfur from sphalerite concentrates by reaction with sulfuric acid
Dewing, H. H.
Recovery of zinc and sulfur from sphalerite concentrates by reaction with sulfuric acid by H.H. Dewing, S.E. Lay, and A.A. Cochran - [Washington, D.C.] U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines 1982 - 16 p. ill. 28 cm. - Report of investigations/United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines 8690 .
Sulphuric acid
622 s
Recovery of zinc and sulfur from sphalerite concentrates by reaction with sulfuric acid by H.H. Dewing, S.E. Lay, and A.A. Cochran - [Washington, D.C.] U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines 1982 - 16 p. ill. 28 cm. - Report of investigations/United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines 8690 .
Sulphuric acid
622 s