Industrial relations, law and economics /
Wilson, A.W.
Industrial relations, law and economics / A.W. Wilson and S.R. Hill. - London : Longmans, 1968. - xi, 185 p. : ill. - Longman's supervisory series ; v. 3 .
"This is a National Extension College course prepared in collaboration with the Institute of Supervisory Management".
Labor laws and legislation--Great Britain.
Trade-unions--Law and legislation--Great Britain.
Industrial relations, law and economics / A.W. Wilson and S.R. Hill. - London : Longmans, 1968. - xi, 185 p. : ill. - Longman's supervisory series ; v. 3 .
"This is a National Extension College course prepared in collaboration with the Institute of Supervisory Management".
Labor laws and legislation--Great Britain.
Trade-unions--Law and legislation--Great Britain.