And thus became man and world /
Z'graggen, John Anton, 1932-
And thus became man and world / John A. Z'graggen. - Edinburgh, UK : The Pentland Press, 1992. - xv, 143 p. ; 22 cm.
"In this book Fr. John Z'graggen gives a fascinating presentation of a variety of myths of creation as made up by the peoples of the Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, in the South Pacific."
Mythology, Papua New Guinean--Madang Province.
Mythology, Melanesian--Papua New Guinea--Madang Province.
291.2409573 / Z63
And thus became man and world / John A. Z'graggen. - Edinburgh, UK : The Pentland Press, 1992. - xv, 143 p. ; 22 cm.
"In this book Fr. John Z'graggen gives a fascinating presentation of a variety of myths of creation as made up by the peoples of the Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, in the South Pacific."
Mythology, Papua New Guinean--Madang Province.
Mythology, Melanesian--Papua New Guinea--Madang Province.
291.2409573 / Z63