Matheson Library
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Learn CAD now /

Omura, George.

Learn CAD now / George Omura. - Redmond, Wash. : Microsoft Press, c1991. - xix, 439 p. : ill., + 2 computer disks (5 1/4 in.)

System requirements for computer disks (EasyCAD2 and projects): Any IBM PC or compatible; at least 512KB RAM; MS-DOS 2.1 or later; two 5 1/4 in. disk drives, or 1 disk drive and hard disk; CGA, EGA, VGA, or Hercules monochrome display system (color monitor desirable); Microsoft or compatible mouse; dot-matrix or laser printer and math coprocessor (optional). Includes index.

For diskettes ask at Circulation.




Engineering design--Data processing.
Engineering design--Computer programes.