Malaria /
Hurley, Sue.
Malaria / Sue Hurley and Pauline Doonar. - Port Moresby : Dept. of Health, P.N.G., c1987. - [1], 37 p. : ill. - Community school health pupil book .
This book is produced for Community schools in P.N.G. as part of the Education II textbook sub-project.
Malaria--Study and teaching (Primary).
Fever--Study and teaching (Primary).
Malaria / Sue Hurley and Pauline Doonar. - Port Moresby : Dept. of Health, P.N.G., c1987. - [1], 37 p. : ill. - Community school health pupil book .
This book is produced for Community schools in P.N.G. as part of the Education II textbook sub-project.
Malaria--Study and teaching (Primary).
Fever--Study and teaching (Primary).