Chemical residuals transport in aggregated soils : mathematical simulation by the linear system approach /
Liu, Clark C. K.
Chemical residuals transport in aggregated soils : mathematical simulation by the linear system approach / [by] Clark C.K. Liu [and] Jing-Song Feng. - Honululu, Hawaii : Water Resources Research Centre, University of Hawaii, 1988. - viii, 45 p. - Technical report ; no. 176 .
Agricultural wastes--Environmental aspects.
Hazardous waste sites--Environmental aspects.
Chemical residuals transport in aggregated soils : mathematical simulation by the linear system approach / [by] Clark C.K. Liu [and] Jing-Song Feng. - Honululu, Hawaii : Water Resources Research Centre, University of Hawaii, 1988. - viii, 45 p. - Technical report ; no. 176 .
Agricultural wastes--Environmental aspects.
Hazardous waste sites--Environmental aspects.