An experimental investigation of anchor bolts under shear /
Ueda, T.
An experimental investigation of anchor bolts under shear / by T. Ueda, S. Kitipornchai, and K. Ling. - St. Lucia, Qld. : Department of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, 1988. - 22 p. : ill. - Research report ; no. CE93 . - Research report (University of Queensland. Dept. of Civil Engineering) ; no. CE93. .
Anchorage (Structural engineering)
Shear (Mechanics)
Strains and stresses.
An experimental investigation of anchor bolts under shear / by T. Ueda, S. Kitipornchai, and K. Ling. - St. Lucia, Qld. : Department of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, 1988. - 22 p. : ill. - Research report ; no. CE93 . - Research report (University of Queensland. Dept. of Civil Engineering) ; no. CE93. .
Anchorage (Structural engineering)
Shear (Mechanics)
Strains and stresses.