Contributions to tropical fisheries biology : papers prepared by the participants at the FAO/DANIDA Follow-up Training Course on Fish Stock Assessment in the Tropics, Hirtals, Denmark, 5-30 May 1986 [and] Manila, Philippines, 12 January - 6 February, 1986 [i.e. 1987] /
Contributions to tropical fisheries biology : papers prepared by the participants at the FAO/DANIDA Follow-up Training Course on Fish Stock Assessment in the Tropics, Hirtals, Denmark, 5-30 May 1986 [and] Manila, Philippines, 12 January - 6 February, 1986 [i.e. 1987] /
edited by S. C. Venema, J. M. Christensen and D. Pauly.
- Rome : Denmark Funds-in-trust, GCP/INT/392/DEN ; FAO, 1988.
- ix, 519 p. : ill., maps.
- FAO fisheries report, no. 389 0429-9337 ; .
9251027072 (paper)
Fisheries--Collected works.
9251027072 (paper)
Fisheries--Collected works.