SPSS/PCp+s for the IBM PC/XT/AT /
Norusis, M. J. 1948-
SPSS/PCp+s for the IBM PC/XT/AT / Marija J. Norusis SPSS Inc., Marija J. Norusis. - Chicago, Ill. : SPSS Inc., c1986. - 643 p. in various pagings ill 28 cm. tables
On t.p. the registered trademark symbol "TM" is subscript following "SPSS/PCp+s" in the title
Includes bibliography and indexes
SPSS/PCp+s (Computer system).
Social sciences--Data processing.
SPSS/PCp+s for the IBM PC/XT/AT / Marija J. Norusis SPSS Inc., Marija J. Norusis. - Chicago, Ill. : SPSS Inc., c1986. - 643 p. in various pagings ill 28 cm. tables
On t.p. the registered trademark symbol "TM" is subscript following "SPSS/PCp+s" in the title
Includes bibliography and indexes
SPSS/PCp+s (Computer system).
Social sciences--Data processing.