Operation Management : An Integrated Approach /
Reid, R Dan
Operation Management : An Integrated Approach / Reid, R Dan and Sanders, Nada R. - 2nd ed - New Jersy : Wiley, 2005. - 675
Accompanied by CD-ROM
Includes Introduction to Operation Management; Operations Strategy and Competitiveness; Product Design and Process Selection; E-Commerce and Supply Chain Management; Total Quality Management; Statistical Quality Control; Capacity Planning and Facility Design; and Project Management.
Production Management
Operation Management : An Integrated Approach / Reid, R Dan and Sanders, Nada R. - 2nd ed - New Jersy : Wiley, 2005. - 675
Accompanied by CD-ROM
Includes Introduction to Operation Management; Operations Strategy and Competitiveness; Product Design and Process Selection; E-Commerce and Supply Chain Management; Total Quality Management; Statistical Quality Control; Capacity Planning and Facility Design; and Project Management.
Production Management