Report: 1977 resurvey of second rotation pinus patula in the Usutu Forest Swaziland /
Evans, Julian
Report: 1977 resurvey of second rotation pinus patula in the Usutu Forest Swaziland / Julian Evans. - Department of Forestry; University of Technology.
Research and study visits undertaken during study leave, 1977.
Plantations- Usutu Forest Swaziland
Forests and forestry- Swaziland.
Report: 1977 resurvey of second rotation pinus patula in the Usutu Forest Swaziland / Julian Evans. - Department of Forestry; University of Technology.
Research and study visits undertaken during study leave, 1977.
Plantations- Usutu Forest Swaziland
Forests and forestry- Swaziland.