The West Johore coconut production survey /
Wilson, T. B.
The West Johore coconut production survey / by T.B. Wilson. - [Kuala Lumpur] : Ministry of Agriculture, 1958 - xi, 47 p. : ill. - Department of Agriculture bulletin ; no. 104 . - Bulletin (Malaya (Federation). Ministry of Agriculture) ; no. 104 .
Coconut industry--Malaya.
Coconut palm--Malaya.
The West Johore coconut production survey / by T.B. Wilson. - [Kuala Lumpur] : Ministry of Agriculture, 1958 - xi, 47 p. : ill. - Department of Agriculture bulletin ; no. 104 . - Bulletin (Malaya (Federation). Ministry of Agriculture) ; no. 104 .
Coconut industry--Malaya.
Coconut palm--Malaya.