Biological impact of Ok Tedi mine tailings, cyanide and heavy metal on the Ok Tedi /Fly River ecosystems in Papua[sic] New Guinea: report submitted to Bureau of Water Resources, Papua New Guinea Government/
Mowbray, David
Biological impact of Ok Tedi mine tailings, cyanide and heavy metal on the Ok Tedi /Fly River ecosystems in Papua[sic] New Guinea: report submitted to Bureau of Water Resources, Papua New Guinea Government/ by David Lindsay Mowbray - [Port Moresby]: Biology Dept., University of Papua New Guinea, 1986 - 90p.: maps
Ok Tedi Project--Environmental aspects
Environmental impact analysis--Papua New Guinea--Ok Tedi Region
Mines and mineral resources--Environmental aspects--PapuaNew Guinea--Ok Tedi Region
Freshwater biology--Papua New Guinea--Ok Tedi Region
Biological impact of Ok Tedi mine tailings, cyanide and heavy metal on the Ok Tedi /Fly River ecosystems in Papua[sic] New Guinea: report submitted to Bureau of Water Resources, Papua New Guinea Government/ by David Lindsay Mowbray - [Port Moresby]: Biology Dept., University of Papua New Guinea, 1986 - 90p.: maps
Ok Tedi Project--Environmental aspects
Environmental impact analysis--Papua New Guinea--Ok Tedi Region
Mines and mineral resources--Environmental aspects--PapuaNew Guinea--Ok Tedi Region
Freshwater biology--Papua New Guinea--Ok Tedi Region