Assessing the cognitive capacities of non-literate New Guinea adults /
Ord, I. G.
Assessing the cognitive capacities of non-literate New Guinea adults / by I. G. Ord. - Boroko : Society for New Guinea Research and Publications, 1971. - 23p. - New Guinea psychologist. no. 3. .
Paper prepared for the conference on cultural factors in mental test development, application and interpretation, Istanbul, 19-23 July 1971.
Cognition and culture--Papua New Guinea.
Intelligence tests for preliterates--Papua New Guinea.
Assessing the cognitive capacities of non-literate New Guinea adults / by I. G. Ord. - Boroko : Society for New Guinea Research and Publications, 1971. - 23p. - New Guinea psychologist. no. 3. .
Paper prepared for the conference on cultural factors in mental test development, application and interpretation, Istanbul, 19-23 July 1971.
Cognition and culture--Papua New Guinea.
Intelligence tests for preliterates--Papua New Guinea.