Mechanics of continua and wave dynamics
Brekhovskikh, L. M.
Mechanics of continua and wave dynamics L.M. Brekhovskikh, V. Goncharov - Berlin Springer-Verlag c1985 - xii, 342 p. ill 24 cm. - Springer series on wave phenomena 1 .
Translation of: Vvedenie v mekhaniku sploshnykh sred
Continuum mechanics
Wave mechanics
Mechanics of continua and wave dynamics L.M. Brekhovskikh, V. Goncharov - Berlin Springer-Verlag c1985 - xii, 342 p. ill 24 cm. - Springer series on wave phenomena 1 .
Translation of: Vvedenie v mekhaniku sploshnykh sred
Continuum mechanics
Wave mechanics