Mineral resources
Cheney, Glenn Alan
Mineral resources Glenn Alan Cheney - New York F. Watts 1985 - 62 p. ill 23 cm. - A First book .
Summary: A survey of America's mineral resources divided into categories of metallic, nonmetallic, and strategic. Also describes how these minerals are mined, their composition, where they are found, and how they are used
Mines and mineral resources--Juvenile literature--United States
Mines and mineral resources
Natural resources
553 / .0973/C518m
Mineral resources Glenn Alan Cheney - New York F. Watts 1985 - 62 p. ill 23 cm. - A First book .
Summary: A survey of America's mineral resources divided into categories of metallic, nonmetallic, and strategic. Also describes how these minerals are mined, their composition, where they are found, and how they are used
Mines and mineral resources--Juvenile literature--United States
Mines and mineral resources
Natural resources
553 / .0973/C518m