Computer routines for solar position, daylength, and related quantities /
Goodspeed, M. J.
Computer routines for solar position, daylength, and related quantities / by M.J. Goodspeed. - Canberra : CSIRO, Division of Land Use Research, 1975 - 9 p. - Technical memorandum / 75/11 . - Technical memorandum (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia). Division of Land Use Research) ; 75/11 .
Sun--Tables--Data processing.
Computer routines for solar position, daylength, and related quantities / by M.J. Goodspeed. - Canberra : CSIRO, Division of Land Use Research, 1975 - 9 p. - Technical memorandum / 75/11 . - Technical memorandum (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia). Division of Land Use Research) ; 75/11 .
Sun--Tables--Data processing.