Friction and wear calculation methods
Kragel�ski�i, Igor� Viktorovich.
Friction and wear calculation methods by I.V. Kragelsky, M.N. Dobychin, V.S. Kombalov - Oxford Pergamon 1982 - ix, 464 p. ill. 26 cm
Tranlation of: Osnovy raschetov na trenie i iznos
Mechanical wear
621.8 / 9
Friction and wear calculation methods by I.V. Kragelsky, M.N. Dobychin, V.S. Kombalov - Oxford Pergamon 1982 - ix, 464 p. ill. 26 cm
Tranlation of: Osnovy raschetov na trenie i iznos
Mechanical wear
621.8 / 9