Village water supply survey, Southern Higlands District, 1971 /
Harris, J.
Village water supply survey, Southern Higlands District, 1971 / by J. Harris. - Port Moresby : Dept. of Lands, Surveys and Mines, [1971], - 2 v. : ill., maps ; 30 cm. - Note on investigation 71-033 .
Contents: v.1. Report -- v.2. Recommendations.
Artesian wells--Papua New Guinea--Southern Highlands Province.
Water-supply, Rural--Papua New Guinea--Southern Highlands Province.
Groundwater--Papua New Guinea--Southern Highlands Province.
Village water supply survey, Southern Higlands District, 1971 / by J. Harris. - Port Moresby : Dept. of Lands, Surveys and Mines, [1971], - 2 v. : ill., maps ; 30 cm. - Note on investigation 71-033 .
Contents: v.1. Report -- v.2. Recommendations.
Artesian wells--Papua New Guinea--Southern Highlands Province.
Water-supply, Rural--Papua New Guinea--Southern Highlands Province.
Groundwater--Papua New Guinea--Southern Highlands Province.