Group choice
Mirkin, B. G.
Group choice translated by Yelena Oliker edited by Peter C. Fishburn Boris G. Mirkin - Washington, D.C V. H. Winston ; distributed by Halsted Press 1979 - xxx, 252 p. 23 cm. - Scripta series in mathematics .
Translation of Problema gruppovogo vybora
Group decision making--Mathematical models
658.4 / 03
Group choice translated by Yelena Oliker edited by Peter C. Fishburn Boris G. Mirkin - Washington, D.C V. H. Winston ; distributed by Halsted Press 1979 - xxx, 252 p. 23 cm. - Scripta series in mathematics .
Translation of Problema gruppovogo vybora
Group decision making--Mathematical models
658.4 / 03